HTML encoding function thingy…

Well, I would first like to say, thank you to everyone who answered my last blog entry. CONCAT was a good idea but we are trying to keep it valid within the SQL standard, anything specific to postgresql or such we would like to avoid.

Well, I manage to stumble onto another problem. This time, we are at the javascripts calling my python function (if that makes any sense).

My function in python takes an element, which is either a String, or a List itself. It first check to see if it is a list, doing this with type(args) == type([]). If its not, then it assumes its a string, and processes it.

To my knowledge, i can call my function “release” by doing:


which will return a string, If i want a list, I would do:


The problem arises when I try to input an empty list… I thought about trying:


but that returns a list of 2 empty strings inside 😦

UPDATE: So I figured it out.. made me almost smack myself for not thinking of it.. apparently, passing in nothing will give me an empty list, exactly what I’m looking for 🙂

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